College Math Teaching

August 12, 2023

West Virginia Math Department and trends..

First of all, I’ll have to read this 2016 article.

But: it is no secret that higher education in the US is in turmoil, at least at the non-elite universities. Some colleges are closing and others are experiencing cut backs due to high operating losses.

This little not will not attempt to explain the problems of why education has gotten so expensive, though things like: reduction of government subsidies, increased costs for technology (computers, wifi, learning management systems), unfunded mandates (e. g. accommodations for an increasing percentage of students with learning disabilities) and staff to handle helicopter parents are all factors adding to increased costs.

And so, many universities are more tuition dependent than ever before, and while the sticker price is high, many (most in many universities) are given steep discounts.

And so, higher administration is trying to figure out what to offer: they need to bring in tuition dollars.

Now about math: our number of majors has dropped, and much, if not most, of the drop comes from math education: teaching is not a popular occupation right now, for many reasons.

Things like this do not help attract student to teacher education programs:

One thing that hurts enrollment in upper division math courses is that higher math has prerequisites. Of course, many (most?) pure math courses do not appear to have immediate application to other fields (though they often do). And, let’s face it: math is hard. The ideas are very dense.

So, it is my feeling that the math that requires two semesters of abstract algebra and two semesters of analysis, is probably on the way out, at least at non-elite schools. I think it will survive at Ivy caliber schools, MIT, Stanford, and the flagship R-1 schools.

As far as the rest of us: it absolutely hurts my heart to say this, but I feel that for our major to survive at a place like mine, we’ll have to allow for at least some upper division credit to come from “theory of interest”, “math for data science”, etc. type courses…and perhaps allow for mathy electives from other disciplines. I see us as having to become a “mathematical sciences” type program…or not existing at all.

Now for the West Virginia situation (and they probably won’t be the last):

I went on their faculty page and noted that they had 31 Associate/Full professors; the remainder appeard to be “instructors” or “assistant professors of instruction” and the like. So while I do not have any special information, it appears that they are cutting the non-tenured..the ones who did a lot (most?) of the undergraduate teaching.

Now for the uninitiated: keeping current with research at the R-1 level is, in and of itself, is a full time job. Now I am NOT one of those who says that “researchers are bad teachers” (that is often untrue) but I can say that teaching full loads (10-12 hours of undergraduate classes) is a very different job than running a graduate seminar, advising graduate students, researching, and getting NSF grants (often a prerequisite for getting tenure to begin with.

So, a lot of professor’s lives are going to change, not only for those being let go, but also for those still left. I’d imagine that some of the research professors might leave and have their place taken by the teaching faculty who are due to be cut, but that is pure speculation on my part.

June 26, 2021

So, you want our tenure-track academic math job…

Filed under: academia, editorial, mathematician, mathematics education — Tags: , — collegemathteaching @ 8:39 pm

Background: we are a “primarily undergraduate” non-R1 institution. We do not offer math master’s degrees but the engineering college does.

Me: old full professor who has either served on or chaired several search committees.

I’ll break this post down into the two types of jobs we are likely to offer:
Tenure Track lecturer

Tenure Track Assistant Professor.


No research requirement; this job consists of teaching 12 hour loads of lower division mathematics classes, mostly “business calculus and below”; college algebra and precalculus will be your staples. There will be some service work too.

What we are looking for:

Evidence that you have taught lower division courses (college algebra, precalculus, maybe “baby stats”) successfully. Yes, it is great that you were the only postdoc asked to teach a course on differentiable manifolds or commutative ring theory but that is not relevant to this job.

So hopefully you have had taught these courses in the past (several times) and your teaching references talk about how well you did in said courses; e. g. students did well in said courses, went on to the next course prepared, course was as well received as such a course can be, etc. If you won a teaching award of some kind (or nominated for one), that is good to note. And, in this day and did the online stuff go?

Teaching statement: ok, I am speaking for myself, but what I look for is: did you evaluate your own teaching? What did you try? What problems did you notice? Where could you have done better, or what could you try next time? Did you discuss your teaching with someone else? All of those things stand out to me. And yes, that means recognizing that what you tried didn’t work this time…and that you have a plan to revise it..or DID revise it. This applies to the online stuff too.

Diversity Statement Yes, that is a relatively new requirement for us. What I look for: how do you adjust to having some cultural variation in your classroom? Here are examples of what I am talking about:

We usually get students from the suburbs who are used to a “car culture.” So, I often use the car speedometer as something that gives you the derivative of the car’s position. But I ended up with a student from an urban culture and she explained to me that she and her friends took public transportation everywhere…I had to explain what a speedometer was. It was NOT walking around knowledge.

Or: there was a time when I uploaded *.doc files to our learning management system. It turns out that not all students have Microsoft word; taking a few seconds to make them *.pdf files made it a LOT easier for them.

Other things: not everyone gets every sports analogy, gambling analogy (cards, dice, etc.) so be patient when explaining the background for such examples.

Also: a discussion on how one adjusts for the “gaps” in preparation that students have is a plus; a student can place into a course but have missing topics here and there. And the rigor of the high school courses may well vary from student to student; some might expect to be given a “make up” exam if they do poorly on an exam; another might have been used to be given credit for totally incorrect work (I’ve seen both).

Also: if you’ve tutored or volunteered to help a diverse group of students, be sure to mention that (e. g. maternity homes, sports teams, urban league, or just the tutoring center, etc.)

Transcript: yes, we require it, but what we are looking for is breath for the lecturer’s job: the typical is to have three of the following covered: “algebra, analysis, topology, probability, statistics, applied math”

Cover letter: Something that shows that you know the type of job we are offering is very helpful; if you state that you “want to direct undergraduate research”, well, our lecturer job will be a huge letdown.

Assistant Professor

This job will involve 9-12 hours teaching; 10-11 is typical and we do have a modest research requirement. 2-3 papers in solid journals will be sufficient for tenure; you might not want to have your heart set on an Annals of Math publication. If you do get one, you won’t be with us for long anyway. There is also advising and service work.

What we are looking for: teaching: we want some evidence that you can teach the courses typically taught by our department. This means some experience in calculus/business calculus for our math track, and statistics for our statistics track. For this job, some evidence for upper division is a plus, but not required nor even expected; is is an extra “nice to have.”

But it is all but essential that your teaching references talks about your performance in teaching lower division classes (calculus or below); if all you have is “the functional analysis students loved him/her”, that is not helpful. Being observed while teaching a lower division course is all but essential.

Teaching and Diversity statement : same as for the lecturer job. An extra: did you have any involvement with the math club?

Research: the thing we are looking for is: will you “die on the vine” or not? Having a plan: “I intend to move from my dissertation in this direction” is a plus, as is having others to collaborate with (though collaboration isn’t necessary). Also, a statement from your advisor that you can work INDEPENDENTLY ..that is, you can find realistic problems to work on and do NOT need hand holding, is a major plus. You are likely to be somewhat isolated here. And of course, loving mathematics is essential with us. Not all candidates do..if you see your dissertation as a task you had to do to get the credential then our job isn’t for you.

Another plus: having side projects that an undergraduate can work on is a plus. We do have some undergraduate research but that won’t be the bulk of the job.

Transcript: same as the lecturer job.

August 1, 2017

Big lesson that many overlook: math is hard

Filed under: advanced mathematics, conference, editorial, mathematician, mathematics education — Tags: — collegemathteaching @ 11:43 am

First of all, it has been a very long time since I’ve posted something here. There are many reasons that I allowed myself to get distracted. I can say that I’ll try to post more but do not know if I will get it done; I am finishing up a paper and teaching a course that I created (at the request of the Business College), and we have a record enrollment..many of the new students are very unprepared.

Back to the main topic of the post.

I just got back from MAA Mathfest and I admit that is one of my favorite mathematics conferences. Sure, the contributed paper sessions give you a tiny amount of time to present, but the main talks (and many of the simple talks) are geared toward those of us who teach mathematics for a living and do some research on the side; there are some mainstream “basic” subjects that I have not seen in 30 years!

That doesn’t mean that they don’t get excellent people for the main speaker; they do. This time, the main speaker was Dusa McDuff: someone who was a member of the National Academy of Sciences. (a very elite level!)

Her talk was on the basics of symplectec geometry (introductory paper can be found here) and the subject is, well, HARD. But she did an excellent job of giving the flavor of it.

I also enjoyed Erica Flapan’s talk on graph theory and chemistry. One of my papers (done with a friend) referenced her work.

I’ll talk about Douglas Arnold’s talk on “when computational math meets geometry”; let’s just say that I wish I had seen this lecture prior to teaching the “numerical solutions for differential equations” section of numerical analysis.

Well, it looks as if I have digressed yet again.

There were many talks, and some were related to the movie Hidden Figures. And the cheery “I did it and so can you” talks were extremely well attended…applause, celebration, etc.

The talks on sympletec geometry: not so well attended toward the end. Again, that stuff is hard.

And that is one thing I think that we miss when we encourage prospective math students: we neglect to tell them that research level mathematics is difficult stuff and, while some have much more talent for it than others, everyone has to think hard, has to work hard, and almost all of us will fail, quite a bit.

I remember trying to spend over a decade trying to prove something, only to fail and to see a better mathematician get the result. One other time I spent 2 years trying to “prove” something…and I couldn’t “seal the deal”. Good thing too, as what I was trying to prove was false..and happily I was able to publish the counterexample.

July 1, 2015

Embarrassing gaps in my mathematical knowledge

Filed under: mathematician, topology — Tags: , — collegemathteaching @ 1:56 pm

Yes, mathematics is a huge, huge subject and no one knows everything. And, when I was a graduate student, I could only focus on 1-2 advanced courses at a time, and when I was working on my thesis, I almost had a “blinders on” approach to finishing that thing up. I think that I had to do that, given my intellectual limitations.

So, even in “my area”, my knowledge outside of a very narrow area was weak at best.

Add to this: 20+ years of teaching 3 courses per semester; I’ve even forgotten some of what I once knew well, though in return, I’ve picked up elementary knowledge in disciplines that I didn’t know before.

But, I have many gaps in my own “area”. One of these is in the area of hyperbolic geometry and the geometry of knot complements (think of this way: take a smooth simple closed curve in R^3 , add a point at infinity to get S^3 (a compact space), now take a solid torus product neighborhood of the knot (“thicken” the knot up into a sort of “rope”) then remove this “rope” from S^3 . What you have left over is a “knot complement” manifold.

Now these knot complements fall into one of 3 different types: they are torus knot complements (the knot can live on the “skin” of a torus),


satellite knot complements (the knot can live inside the solid torus that is the product neighborhood of a different, mathematically inequivalent knot,


or the knot complement is “hyperbolic”; it can be given a hyperbolic structure. At least for “most” knots of small “crossing number” (roughly: how many crossings the knot diagram has), are hyperbolic knots.

So it turns out that the complement of such knots can be filled with “horoballs”; roughly speaking, these are the interior of spheres which are “tangent to infinity”; infinity is the “missing stuff” that was removed when the knot was removed from S^3. And, I really never understood what was going on at all.


I suppose that one can view the boundary of these balls (called “horospheres”) as one would view, say, the level planes z = k in R^3 ; those planes become spheres when the point at infinity is added. This is a horoball packing of the complement of the figure 8 knot; missing is the horosphere at z = 1 which can be thought of as a plane.

But the internet is a wonderful thing, and I found a lecture based on the work of Anastasiia Tsvietkova and Morwen Thistlethwaite (who generated the horoball packing photo above) and I’ll be trying to wrap my head around this.

June 19, 2015

Scientific American article about finite simple groups

Filed under: advanced mathematics, algebra, mathematician — Tags: , — collegemathteaching @ 2:42 pm

For those of you who are a bit rusty: a finite group is a group that has a finite number of elements. A simple group is one that has no proper non-trivial normal subgroups (that is, only the identity and the whole group are normal subgroups).

It is a theorem that if G is a finite simple group then G falls into one of the following categories:

1. Cyclic (of prime order, of course)
2. Alternating (and not isomorphic to A_4 of course)
3. A member of a subclass of Lie Groups
4. One of 26 other groups that don’t fall into 1, 2 or 3.

Scientific American has a nice article about this theorem and the effort to get it written down and understood; the problem is that the proof of such a theorem is far from simple; it spans literally hundreds of research articles and would take thousands of pages to be complete. And, those who have an understanding of this result are aging and won’t be with us forever.

Here is a link to the preview of the article; if you don’t subscribe to SA it is probably in your library.

November 19, 2014

Tension between practitioners and theoretical mathematicians…

Filed under: academia, applied mathematics, mathematician, research — Tags: — collegemathteaching @ 2:01 am

I follow Schneier’s Security Blog. Today, he alerted his readers to this post about an NSA member’s take on the cryptography session of a mathematics conference. The whole post is worth reading, but these comments really drive home some of the tension between those of us in academia :

Alfredo DeSantis … spoke on “Graph decompositions and secret-sharing schemes,” a silly topic which brings joy to combinatorists and yawns to everyone else. […]

Perhaps it is beneficial to be attacked, for you can easily augment your publication list by offering a modification.


This result has no cryptanalytic application, but it serves to answer a question which someone with nothing else to think about might have asked.


I think I have hammered home my point often enough that I shall regard it as proved (by emphatic enunciation): the tendency at IACR meetings is for academic scientists (mathematicians, computer scientists, engineers, and philosophers masquerading as theoretical computer scientists) to present commendable research papers (in their own areas) which might affect cryptology at some future time or (more likely) in some other world. Naturally this is not anathema to us.

I freely admit this: when I do research, I attack problems that…interests me. I don’t worry if someone else finds them interesting or not; when I solve such a problem I submit it and see if someone else finds it interesting. If I solved the problem correctly and someone else finds it interesting: it gets published. If my solution is wrong, I attempt to fix the error. If no one else finds it interesting, I work on something else. 🙂

August 26, 2014

How some mathematical definitions are made

I love what Brad Osgood says at 47:37.

The context: one is showing that the Fourier transform of the convolution of two functions is the product of the Fourier transforms (very similar to what happens in the Laplace transform); that is \mathcal{F}(f*g) = F(s)G(s) where f*g = \int^{\infty}_{-\infty} f(x-t)g(t) dt

July 17, 2014

I am going to celebrate this…

Filed under: mathematical ability, mathematician, research — Tags: — collegemathteaching @ 8:10 pm

This marks the second summer in a row I got news that a paper of mine has been accepted for publication. Last year, it was the College Mathematics Journal; this year it is the Journal of Knot Theory and its Ramifications.

Sure, that is a big “yawn”, “so what”, or “is that all?” for faculty at Division I research universities. But I teach at a 11-12 hour load institution which also has committee requirements.

And, to be blunt: I got my Ph. D. in 1991 and has a somewhat long slump in publication; I was beginning to wonder if my intellect had atrophied with time.

Ok, it has, in the sense that I don’t pick up material as quickly as I once did. But to counter that, the years of teaching across the curriculum (from business calculus to operations research to numerical analysis to differential equations) and the years of attending talks and attempting to learn new things has given me a bit more perspective. I make fewer “hidden assumptions” now.

So, I am going to celebrate this one…and then get back to work on spin-off ideas.

April 15, 2013

Google Doodle 15 April 2013

Filed under: mathematician, mathematics education — Tags: — collegemathteaching @ 1:06 pm

Screen shot 2013-04-15 at 8.03.05 AM

Which famous mathematician is being honored? 🙂

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