College Math Teaching

August 23, 2021

Vaccine efficacy wrt Hospitalization

I made a short video; no, I did NOT have “risk factor”/”age group” breakdown, but the overall point is that vaccines, while outstanding, are NOT a suit of perfect armor.

Upshot: I used this local data:

The vaccination rate of the area is slightly under 50 percent; about 80 percent for the 65 and up group. But this data doesn’t break it down among age groups so..again, this is “back of the envelope”:

{100-23 \over 100} = .77 or about 77 percent efficacy with respect to hospitalization, and {32-2 \over 30} =.9375 or 93.75 percent with respect to ending up in the ICU.

Again, the efficacy is probably better than that because of the lack of risk factor correction.

Note: the p-value for the statistical test of H_0 vaccines have no effect on hospitalization” vs. “effect” is 6 \times 10^{-13}

The video:

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